Fengar- A Race for Dungeons and Dragons 5th Edition
"A pair of bright, violet eyes stared at me from the darkness of the wood. As the owner of those eyes entered the light I was terrified by the sight of a strange, tall beast-man. It had the face of a wolf with a pair of ram horns jutting out of its head. It's body was built like a large bear crossed with a badger. But, by far the strangest part of it's body was its serpent-like tail which was wrapped around an arrow. I had been attacked by a pack of wolves and was nearly overtaken before this beast assisted me from the darkness of the thick woods I was exploring shooting arrows with great skill. Then as the last wolf was about to lunge at me the beast grabbed it and ripped its throat out with his razor sharp teeth. The beast looked at me, its muzzle still soaked in the blood of the wolf that nearly killed me, no doubt noticing I was injured. But instead of helping me right away it walked over the the dead wolves. From a pouch it took out a flower and on laid a single petal on each corpse before getting on it's knees and praying. It spoke in a tongue I didn't understand before getting up and walking to me. With a touch of its paw I feel the wounds the wolves inflicted upon fade away. Then in perfect Common the creature says. "I apologize for the savagery of those poor creatures, they have been touched by an ancient darkness and my tribe has sent me to set them free. I know not what you are or why you are here, but so long as your intentions are pure then our holy Mother will be at your side and so shall we." That is how I met Gram Bloodfang, and soon came to know of the gentle beast-folk of the Lurem Continent."
Memoirs of Sendel Sliverbeard, Lead Ranger on the Lurem Continent Expedition
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The Fengar were inspired by this piece of art by @NenjuhVee on twitter. |
Weapons of War Made Defenders of Life
The Fengar of the Lurem Continent were made by twisted Fey magic by a long forgotten empire to be weapons of war. Legends passed down by the Fengar tell of a maiden that resisted the bloodshed her people caused with the fengar and in an act of defiance freed the them from there mindless bloodlust and showed them the beauty of life. The maiden for her actions, but was reborn as a goddess that guided the Fengar away form the battlefields and into the deep wilderness to live one with nature. Eventually the Fengar's creators destroyed themselves and left the Lurem Continent for the Fengar to control. Rather then taking over the cities left by the fallen empire they stayed in the outskirts living one with nature and forging their own paths. The maiden that sacrificed everything to free the Fengar is remembered today as their "Holy Mother." Many tribes have risen since the fall of the empire with many different belief systems, but for the most part they've been able to live in harmony with one another. A handful of tribes have tried to embrace their nature as weapons and declare war on life to assert their dominance, but the other tribes have always managed to come together and stop these radicals before they could do real damage. Travelers from beyond the Lurem Continent have begun to explore and make contact with the Fengar, and as a result many Fengar have taken to adventuring in the wider world to see what else is out there.
Gentle Hearts, Savage Warriors
Though built as living weapons of war in the ancient past, most Fengar in the present day only see violence as a last resort. Their intimidating appearances can make it hard for people of other races to trust them, but a Fengar will often try to preform acts of kindness to win other the skeptics or prove themselves a valuable asset to an adventuring group through daring feats that may injure but never kill. When violence is all but unavoidable the Fengar's warrior instincts will come out. Fengar can attack enemies without weapons using their claws and fangs to damage their foes. All Fengar are also extremely durable with a natural scaly armor underneath their fur to help block attacks. Fengar can also enter a state of uncontrollable blood lust where their rage consumes them, allowing them to deal massive damage, but possibly also attack allies in their blind rage. Some Fengar are also capable of tapping into the Fey magics that created them with unpredictable results. Fengar excel at being Barbarians, Bards, Druids, Fighters, Rangers, and Warlocks. Barbarians, Fighters, and Rangers are often defenders of their tribes. Bards are storytellers that pass down the history of the Fengar to future generations. Druids and Warlocks are often the leaders and spiritual teachers of the tribe. Fengar who are raised by tribes that fall outside the ancient, traditional tribe structure of the Fengar or are raised by other races can be any class they wish.
Loyal to Their Family
The Fengar do not have traditional family structures. Most Fengar are conceived at ritualistic mating ceremonies involving multiple tribes and once born are raised by members of the tribe that have been chosen by the individual tribes Patriarchs and Matriarchs to serve as parental figures. Despite this unorthodox upbringing, Fengar are often taught from a young age to see other members of their tribe as their family, and to treat outsiders are a potential candidates to become a member of their family. Most Fengar are polygamous in the intimate relationships, but monogamous Fengar are known to exist and are respected even if thought to be odd by other Fengar. If a Fengar adventurer feels a close bond growing between them and another adventurer a Fengar might consider them a member of their family and will fight for to the death for them. Having a Fengar as a true friend is an ally you can depend on for life.
Fengar Names
Male Names: Adin, Bork, Caius, Dix, Edi, Grag, Hilm, Isa, Jib, Rai, Tiba, and Vern
Female Names: Adla, Carm, Fili, Giln, Hil, Lea, Melna, Nef, Rach, Tilna, Uilna, and Ven
Tribe Names: Seagazer, Hillwalker, Forestchild, Mountianpaw, Vinewrapper, Flameeater, and Ruinseeker.
Fengar Traits
All Fengar characters are known to share the following traits.
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution is increased by 2 points.
Age: Fengar mature at the same rate that humans do and don't settle down till age 70. They can live to be over a 100 years old.
Alignment: Most Fengar are good creatures, but as they are mostly unfamiliar with the world beyond their continent so are often oblivious to laws. Some Fengar do embrace their evil origins and wish to partake in violence and bloodshed where ever they go.
Size: Fully grown Fengar range from 5ft to well over 6ft tall. They are Medium in size.
Speed: All Fengar have a base speed of 30ft.
Darkvision: All Fengar are able to see in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Claws and Fangs: Fengar can attack with their claws for 1d4 + STR mod slash damage. Can be used as unarmed attack.
Tough Hide: All Fengar have a natural AC of 13 +DEX mod.
Prehensile Tail: Fengar can use their tails to pick up or use items such as arrows and potions as a bonus action.
Subrace: There are five subraces of Fengar throughout the Lurem Continent.
Forest Fengar
These Fengar have made their homes in the deep, dark forests throughout of the Lurem Continent. They tend to be thinner and more agile then other Fengar. Their horns are often very similar to deer antlers.
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity is increased by 1 point.
Hidden In The Trees: Gain proficiency in Stealth
Mountain Fengar
These Fengar thrive in high in the cold mountains of the northern Lurem Continent. They tend to be bulkier and furrier then other Fengar. Their horns are also usually similar to bull and ram horns.
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength is increased by 1 point.
The Cold Never Bothers: You gain resistance to cold damage.
Fey Fengar
These Fengar are in close contact with the Fey magic once studied by the fallen empire of Lurem. They tend to have colorful fur from every color of the rainbow, multi-color eyes, and strange erratic looking horns.
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom is increased by 1 point.
Breath of the Wild: At 1st Level your Fengar can choose between the Ray of Frost, Fire Bolt, and Lighting Lure Cantrips. At 4th Level choose between the two cantrips you didn't pick at 1st Level. At 8th Level automatically get the cantrip you didn't pick at 4th Level. Use Wisdom as your spell-casting ability for these spells.
Grassland Fengar
These Fengar are more very creative and tend to live in wide open grasslands to give them room to build things with lumber, salvage from ancient ruins, and other things they might find. Then to have less thick fur and smaller horns.
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence is increased by 1 point.
Critical Eye: Gain proficiency in Investigation.
Jungle Fengar
These Fengar live in the southern jungles of the Lurem Continent. They are smaller and less intimidating then other Fengar. Have more scales then fur, and have horns like rhino and elephant ivory.
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma is increased by 1 point.
Poison Fangs: When a bite attack hits target must make a Constitution Saving Throw of 12 or take an additional 1d4 poison damage.
Feel free to use this Race I made in any DnD game you play. Big thanks to @NenjuhVee on twitter for making the art that inspired me to create this race. Go check out his stuff, but be warned that it's a NSFW account. I plan on developing the Lurem Continent in a campaign I'm planning on making this year. Feel free to leave some feedback on my race and any DnD homebrew I do in the future.
Update: I edited a few minor things after some feedback from Kevin Donnell from the Jimquisition Chungus Chillzone Facebook Group. Mainly tweaked the Fengar rage ability and the Fey and Jungle Fengar Subraces.
Update 2: I removed the Fengar Rage ability entirely because every DM that looked at it said it was pointless to add a rage ability because of the Barbarian class. So it's gone. Tough Hide has also been tweaked to be a bit more straight forward. I also simplified the Claw and Fangs attack.
Gentle Hearts, Savage Warriors
Though built as living weapons of war in the ancient past, most Fengar in the present day only see violence as a last resort. Their intimidating appearances can make it hard for people of other races to trust them, but a Fengar will often try to preform acts of kindness to win other the skeptics or prove themselves a valuable asset to an adventuring group through daring feats that may injure but never kill. When violence is all but unavoidable the Fengar's warrior instincts will come out. Fengar can attack enemies without weapons using their claws and fangs to damage their foes. All Fengar are also extremely durable with a natural scaly armor underneath their fur to help block attacks. Fengar can also enter a state of uncontrollable blood lust where their rage consumes them, allowing them to deal massive damage, but possibly also attack allies in their blind rage. Some Fengar are also capable of tapping into the Fey magics that created them with unpredictable results. Fengar excel at being Barbarians, Bards, Druids, Fighters, Rangers, and Warlocks. Barbarians, Fighters, and Rangers are often defenders of their tribes. Bards are storytellers that pass down the history of the Fengar to future generations. Druids and Warlocks are often the leaders and spiritual teachers of the tribe. Fengar who are raised by tribes that fall outside the ancient, traditional tribe structure of the Fengar or are raised by other races can be any class they wish.
Loyal to Their Family
The Fengar do not have traditional family structures. Most Fengar are conceived at ritualistic mating ceremonies involving multiple tribes and once born are raised by members of the tribe that have been chosen by the individual tribes Patriarchs and Matriarchs to serve as parental figures. Despite this unorthodox upbringing, Fengar are often taught from a young age to see other members of their tribe as their family, and to treat outsiders are a potential candidates to become a member of their family. Most Fengar are polygamous in the intimate relationships, but monogamous Fengar are known to exist and are respected even if thought to be odd by other Fengar. If a Fengar adventurer feels a close bond growing between them and another adventurer a Fengar might consider them a member of their family and will fight for to the death for them. Having a Fengar as a true friend is an ally you can depend on for life.
Fengar Names
Male Names: Adin, Bork, Caius, Dix, Edi, Grag, Hilm, Isa, Jib, Rai, Tiba, and Vern
Female Names: Adla, Carm, Fili, Giln, Hil, Lea, Melna, Nef, Rach, Tilna, Uilna, and Ven
Tribe Names: Seagazer, Hillwalker, Forestchild, Mountianpaw, Vinewrapper, Flameeater, and Ruinseeker.
Fengar Traits
All Fengar characters are known to share the following traits.
Ability Score Increase: Your Constitution is increased by 2 points.
Age: Fengar mature at the same rate that humans do and don't settle down till age 70. They can live to be over a 100 years old.
Alignment: Most Fengar are good creatures, but as they are mostly unfamiliar with the world beyond their continent so are often oblivious to laws. Some Fengar do embrace their evil origins and wish to partake in violence and bloodshed where ever they go.
Size: Fully grown Fengar range from 5ft to well over 6ft tall. They are Medium in size.
Speed: All Fengar have a base speed of 30ft.
Darkvision: All Fengar are able to see in the dark. You can see in dim light within 60ft of you as if it were bright light, and darkness as if it were dim light. You cannot discern color in darkness, only shades of gray.
Claws and Fangs: Fengar can attack with their claws for 1d4 + STR mod slash damage. Can be used as unarmed attack.
Tough Hide: All Fengar have a natural AC of 13 +DEX mod.
Prehensile Tail: Fengar can use their tails to pick up or use items such as arrows and potions as a bonus action.
Subrace: There are five subraces of Fengar throughout the Lurem Continent.
Forest Fengar
These Fengar have made their homes in the deep, dark forests throughout of the Lurem Continent. They tend to be thinner and more agile then other Fengar. Their horns are often very similar to deer antlers.
Ability Score Increase: Your Dexterity is increased by 1 point.
Hidden In The Trees: Gain proficiency in Stealth
Mountain Fengar
These Fengar thrive in high in the cold mountains of the northern Lurem Continent. They tend to be bulkier and furrier then other Fengar. Their horns are also usually similar to bull and ram horns.
Ability Score Increase: Your Strength is increased by 1 point.
The Cold Never Bothers: You gain resistance to cold damage.
Fey Fengar
These Fengar are in close contact with the Fey magic once studied by the fallen empire of Lurem. They tend to have colorful fur from every color of the rainbow, multi-color eyes, and strange erratic looking horns.
Ability Score Increase: Your Wisdom is increased by 1 point.
Breath of the Wild: At 1st Level your Fengar can choose between the Ray of Frost, Fire Bolt, and Lighting Lure Cantrips. At 4th Level choose between the two cantrips you didn't pick at 1st Level. At 8th Level automatically get the cantrip you didn't pick at 4th Level. Use Wisdom as your spell-casting ability for these spells.
Grassland Fengar
These Fengar are more very creative and tend to live in wide open grasslands to give them room to build things with lumber, salvage from ancient ruins, and other things they might find. Then to have less thick fur and smaller horns.
Ability Score Increase: Your Intelligence is increased by 1 point.
Critical Eye: Gain proficiency in Investigation.
Jungle Fengar
These Fengar live in the southern jungles of the Lurem Continent. They are smaller and less intimidating then other Fengar. Have more scales then fur, and have horns like rhino and elephant ivory.
Ability Score Increase: Your Charisma is increased by 1 point.
Poison Fangs: When a bite attack hits target must make a Constitution Saving Throw of 12 or take an additional 1d4 poison damage.
Feel free to use this Race I made in any DnD game you play. Big thanks to @NenjuhVee on twitter for making the art that inspired me to create this race. Go check out his stuff, but be warned that it's a NSFW account. I plan on developing the Lurem Continent in a campaign I'm planning on making this year. Feel free to leave some feedback on my race and any DnD homebrew I do in the future.
Update: I edited a few minor things after some feedback from Kevin Donnell from the Jimquisition Chungus Chillzone Facebook Group. Mainly tweaked the Fengar rage ability and the Fey and Jungle Fengar Subraces.
Update 2: I removed the Fengar Rage ability entirely because every DM that looked at it said it was pointless to add a rage ability because of the Barbarian class. So it's gone. Tough Hide has also been tweaked to be a bit more straight forward. I also simplified the Claw and Fangs attack.
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